We work hard to keep our environmental impact to a minimum, helping you in turn reduce the carbon footprint of your visit.

As one of the busiest venues in the world for ice sports, we have been committed to reducing our environmental impact for several years now. 

During this time, we have worked on the following:

  • Developed bespoke systems to significantly reduce our water consumption. Our water tanks cleverly collect would-have-been wastewater to help make new ice for our two ice rinks.
  • Installed our own water supply for the site, which accounts to 25,000m3 of water every year. 
  • We are a zero-landfill venue, with 40% of our waste recycled. Waste that is not recycled goes into an incinerator, which is turned into electricity and heat to power the building so our unrecyclable waste still gets reused!
  • Reduced our energy consumption by over 20% in the last five years.

Key Environmental Achievements

We invite you to review our key achievements below.